To my so-called family, friends and acquaintances...
For those that REALLY know me, I hate both the left and right wing politicians because they are extremely polarized and I believe that they are completely out of touch with the average American. I am very moderate in my views and tend to follow the Libertarian Party and their beliefs more often than not. That being said, Obama talked a big game, got himself elected and appears to be moving away from his more radical liberal views and getting more centralized in his views to be more in line with ALL AMERICANS. Good. I like that and I hope he sticks to his guns because the last 8 years have been a Mongolian Cluster Fuck. The filth of Saruman… I mean Bush needs to be washed away.
Now on to the meat of the rant…I have been receiving e-mails, tweets, messages and posts on my various social website accounts and e-mail accounts from, like I said before, friends, family and acquaintances. They are sending me by the far the most racist, hateful and ignorant messages about our president elect, Barack Obama. I am writing this blog to tell you (and you know who you are) to knock it the fuck off. What you are sending is HATEFUL and IGNORANT. You have bought into the lies of racists rednecks that have the IQ's of a retarded cabbages. All these "facts" you are sending is nothing but fabrications to discredit Obama because you and the other fucktards are just too stupid to accept that fact that we have a black man as our new president. Fear is an ugly thing and will make you do and say stupid things. If you want the straight scoop, go to and and look up some tidbits about our new leader. They tell the good, bad and ugly about everything. They have no agenda and do not care if you are from a red state or a blue state…the way it should be on the news.
Some will tell you that using profanity shows that you have a low IQ. I use quite a bit of profanity. I like using it and I like to think that I have a few brains cells kicking around in my head. So, that may be true or not true about using profanity in relation to intelligence but in the cases when I receive pictures like I did the other day with the White House with watermelons on the lawn, all that proved is that the person who sent it is a complete and utter idiot. No doubt in my mind. Period.
Now I am going to TRY to plead with those so called idiots out there…please stop sending me these spiteful messages. If you value any bit of a relationship with me (friend family or acquaintance) you will cease and desist. I am tired of the incessant stupidity flooding my inbox and all it shows to me that you are about 2 IQ points below from starting to bark like a dog. I am not a genius by any means but I do not want to associate with anybody sending me this tripe filled with ignorance and venom. I would rather spend my time with smarter humans and maybe learn to enlighten myself somewhat than roll around in the cyber-muck with the sub-humans with brains the size of a goober pea. I hope those that I am currently NOT NAMING in this rant actually read this and pick up the clue phone (it's ringing loudly) and just stop. Grow a damn brain stem and join in with the smart people. If the racist and uninformed messages continue, I will have to call you out in front of the cyber world to reveal what kind of ugly, hateful and unintelligent person that you really are. The internet is a VERY HARSH mistress that will shred you to your core given the opportunity. In short, I have no problem telling you to fuck yourself and then throwing you to the cyber wolves.
Consider this your final and only warning…
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