I will not be sucked into your PC vs. Mac debate...
I have had a few conversations on Twitter and Facebook that I sparked after stating that Apple is over-hyped and over-priced. These Apple fanboys try desperately to suck me in to the debate pitting both the PC and Mac against each other saying that I am the Microsoft fanboy and that Apple is better.
OK...I am calling bullshit and I need to clarify a couple of things.
1. This debate DOES NOT INCLUDE Apple side projects like Apple TV, the iPhone and iPod. Those are incredible products and they are extremely innovative.
2. I actually admire the Apple computers but they cannot give me what I want or need.
Here are my issues with Apple computers...
2. You cannot build your own Apple machine. You get what you get after after the purchase and you can make some minor upgrades like memory or video. But that is it. You cannot build it from the ground up yourself.
3. The software is limited. The majority of software written is for the the MS platform. Some of it can be run natively on a Mac but most cases you need to dual boot with boot camp and run Windows to get that software to run on your Mac.
4. The machines are limited to what vendors are used in the in making the machines.
Here is what I like about Apple computers.
1. Well built. Rock solid and sexy.
2. The OS is slick and simple. Very easy to use...maybe to easy.
3. The OS has ALWAYS been stable (due to being built on a Unix core) and Apple takes its time when building up the OS so it will not have any issues with the public. KISS: Keep it simple stupid.
Here are the issues I have with PC's (& Microsoft)
1. Microsoft sometimes does not communicate with the hardware vendors as well as they should. This causes issues with the drivers, thus making the OS unstable.
2. MS does not take enough time to build a new OS. They rush it out sometimes too soon which in turn requires service pack updates to fix bugs. Another instability...
3. The make too many levels of their OS's. Ultimate, Home, Business...it is all too confusing.
4. They are willing to take HUGE risks on OS's to be cool. ME was an unmitigated disaster.
5. Microsoft waited too long to respond to the Apple misinformation attacks about Vista. Apple took advantage of a known fact that the first version of a MS OS is always crap and has major issues. XP sucked SOO bad when it was first released and actually had MORE issues than Vista when that was first released. MS of course fixed it with a service pack and it is solid but the damage was done. Apple had done such a great job misinforming the public that Vista is now forever the red-headed step child when in actuality it works and is stable. All instabilities are still present are now due to the 3rd party vendors and their crappy drivers. Another black mark against MS.
Here is what I like bout PC's...
1. More software at my fingertips. I can do anything I want and have better support for it. Period.
2. I can build my own custom machine from the ground up with WHATEVER hardware I want. This means more to me than anything. I can build an epic machine and the hardware will be helluva lot more powerful than Apple can build for you.
3. The hardware is cheaper. If you go through a company for a complete system and get a comparable to one of the Macs in specs, you find that it is much cheaper. If you build it yourself, it is EVEN MORE cheaper.
Like I said, I really like Apple for what they have and I will always stop in the Apple store near me to see what they have but I cannot bring myself to pay for their computers. Cost WAY TOO MUCH. They also cannot give me what I want. Their overall software selection is way too limited for me. If Apple allowed for their OS to be installed on custom machines, the software will come due to the market penetration of the common PC and that will sway me.
Hardware and software aside from both Apple and PC, the real issue at hand with me is the Apple culture. Seriously. The Apple fanboys (not users) really need to shut the fuck up. These guys walk around like their shit doesn't stink.
"My Mac doesn't get viruses."
"My Mac always works".
"My Mac is better than your PC."
"Steve Jobs can do no wrong."
Yes they do , however, they didn't before because hackers didn't give a crap about the measly number of Macs out there.
Of course they do. Apple limits amount of different hardware used. The learning curve is small and limits the power to be bleeding edge.
No it isn't. They are more often than not the same. Hardcore power custom PC user will put your Mac to shame.
Next II...'nuff said.
The Apple culture is generally snobbish and elitist. Most PC people think "Hey your computer is cool but you are an asshole." Most mac people think "My computer is better..go suck it."
I am not a fanboy of Apple nor MS. I am a fanboy of tech that gives me what I want and how I want it. Apple just cannot give me that right now...until then, I have no choice to stick with MS software for my custom built computer. An occasional hiccup in my OS is my penance I will have to pay if it allows me to build what I want and have the software I want and at a price that a reasonable person would pay for.
So Apple fanboys...go suck a dick, your machine is no better than mine. You cannot sell me that bill of goods because you do not have what I want.
Now leave me be, I have a glitch I need to gladly fix.
Post Script:
Something I forgot to add to the Apple fanboy culture. These guys keep trying to add the OTHER Apple products to the PC vs. Mac debate. I KNOW the iPhone is awesome. I am AWARE the the iPod is possibly the best personal music player ever. They have NOTHING to do with the debate. Ugh...
OK...I am calling bullshit and I need to clarify a couple of things.
1. This debate DOES NOT INCLUDE Apple side projects like Apple TV, the iPhone and iPod. Those are incredible products and they are extremely innovative.
2. I actually admire the Apple computers but they cannot give me what I want or need.
Here are my issues with Apple computers...
2. You cannot build your own Apple machine. You get what you get after after the purchase and you can make some minor upgrades like memory or video. But that is it. You cannot build it from the ground up yourself.
3. The software is limited. The majority of software written is for the the MS platform. Some of it can be run natively on a Mac but most cases you need to dual boot with boot camp and run Windows to get that software to run on your Mac.
4. The machines are limited to what vendors are used in the in making the machines.
Here is what I like about Apple computers.
1. Well built. Rock solid and sexy.
2. The OS is slick and simple. Very easy to use...maybe to easy.
3. The OS has ALWAYS been stable (due to being built on a Unix core) and Apple takes its time when building up the OS so it will not have any issues with the public. KISS: Keep it simple stupid.
Here are the issues I have with PC's (& Microsoft)
1. Microsoft sometimes does not communicate with the hardware vendors as well as they should. This causes issues with the drivers, thus making the OS unstable.
2. MS does not take enough time to build a new OS. They rush it out sometimes too soon which in turn requires service pack updates to fix bugs. Another instability...
3. The make too many levels of their OS's. Ultimate, Home, Business...it is all too confusing.
4. They are willing to take HUGE risks on OS's to be cool. ME was an unmitigated disaster.
5. Microsoft waited too long to respond to the Apple misinformation attacks about Vista. Apple took advantage of a known fact that the first version of a MS OS is always crap and has major issues. XP sucked SOO bad when it was first released and actually had MORE issues than Vista when that was first released. MS of course fixed it with a service pack and it is solid but the damage was done. Apple had done such a great job misinforming the public that Vista is now forever the red-headed step child when in actuality it works and is stable. All instabilities are still present are now due to the 3rd party vendors and their crappy drivers. Another black mark against MS.
Here is what I like bout PC's...
1. More software at my fingertips. I can do anything I want and have better support for it. Period.
2. I can build my own custom machine from the ground up with WHATEVER hardware I want. This means more to me than anything. I can build an epic machine and the hardware will be helluva lot more powerful than Apple can build for you.
3. The hardware is cheaper. If you go through a company for a complete system and get a comparable to one of the Macs in specs, you find that it is much cheaper. If you build it yourself, it is EVEN MORE cheaper.
Like I said, I really like Apple for what they have and I will always stop in the Apple store near me to see what they have but I cannot bring myself to pay for their computers. Cost WAY TOO MUCH. They also cannot give me what I want. Their overall software selection is way too limited for me. If Apple allowed for their OS to be installed on custom machines, the software will come due to the market penetration of the common PC and that will sway me.
Hardware and software aside from both Apple and PC, the real issue at hand with me is the Apple culture. Seriously. The Apple fanboys (not users) really need to shut the fuck up. These guys walk around like their shit doesn't stink.
"My Mac doesn't get viruses."
"My Mac always works".
"My Mac is better than your PC."
"Steve Jobs can do no wrong."
Yes they do , however, they didn't before because hackers didn't give a crap about the measly number of Macs out there.
Of course they do. Apple limits amount of different hardware used. The learning curve is small and limits the power to be bleeding edge.
No it isn't. They are more often than not the same. Hardcore power custom PC user will put your Mac to shame.
Next II...'nuff said.
The Apple culture is generally snobbish and elitist. Most PC people think "Hey your computer is cool but you are an asshole." Most mac people think "My computer is better..go suck it."
I am not a fanboy of Apple nor MS. I am a fanboy of tech that gives me what I want and how I want it. Apple just cannot give me that right now...until then, I have no choice to stick with MS software for my custom built computer. An occasional hiccup in my OS is my penance I will have to pay if it allows me to build what I want and have the software I want and at a price that a reasonable person would pay for.
So Apple fanboys...go suck a dick, your machine is no better than mine. You cannot sell me that bill of goods because you do not have what I want.
Now leave me be, I have a glitch I need to gladly fix.
Post Script:
Something I forgot to add to the Apple fanboy culture. These guys keep trying to add the OTHER Apple products to the PC vs. Mac debate. I KNOW the iPhone is awesome. I am AWARE the the iPod is possibly the best personal music player ever. They have NOTHING to do with the debate. Ugh...
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