Facebook Apps and Quizzes (Shoot me now!)

I love my Facebook. I really do. It allows me to communicate with some family members and really old but great friends I miss dearly. MySpace is another story and it can pretty much go fuck itself into oblivion until they can get their dumbass interface fixed. Sorry for the tangent...where was I, oh yeah, Facebook. Facebook has some really cool apps that I use and they actually enhance my social networking experience by adding an extra layer of connectivity and allows me to spread my warped sensibility over the interwebs. Cool.

However...and you knew that was coming, didn't you...
The quizzes need to FUCKING STOP. If you are my friend on Facebook, please please please do not invite me to these inane fucking time vampires. REALLY. I really could give a rats ass about "What Harry Potter character are you?" or "How many ways can you take it in the ass by a liger?". These quizzes cannot tell you anything about yourself that you should already know...unless you are a complete drooling "root root" retard. That's right, I went there. Politcal correctness is NOT my friend. I am seriously considering dropping friends from Facebook that continuously invite me to take quizzes like " What mythical creature are you?" or "What farm animal would you diddle if you were on a stage with Obama shaving your nether regions with a dull razor blade?". Don't even get me started about the about the surveys (click here http://tofursramblings.blogspot.com/2009/03/stupid-survey-to-point-out-how-stupid.html ) Are we seeing eye to eye here or do I have to get more crass? Got it? Good, moving on.

Next up on my Facebook hit parade...Applications. I use a few of these, like the one that pulls my Twitter feed to update my status, one for Digg to post stories, one for my Xbox to let people when I am online playing, one for my cause...etc. You see what I am doing here. Expanding my communication. The games on Facebook have NO POINT and no outcome. I played a few of them and realized you cannot really win or or does not have an outcome or a feeling of accomplishment. Why play a game that you cannot win...pointless. Then there are the apps that give out "gifts". Nothing tangible. Just make believe gifts. Digital images and words to give to people that have no real value. Passing around a "virtual" beer make absolutely no damn sense. If I drank, I would want a real beer. fuck looking a digital image of one and pining for a real one. Another to give away virtual buttons that I cannot really pin on my REAL shirt. Fuck that. Here, how about this...somebody come up with an application to come up with a series of virtual dildos so you can virtually go fuck yourself. I actually may give out those to people that give me another quiz or app invite. I totally dig my friends and family on Facebook but If anybody invites me to a dumb ass quiz or worthless time vampire app, I will pass out virtual middle fingers and and have them take the "What color and flavor dildo do you want to fuck your Chia Pet with while the corpse of Farrah Fawcett fondles you genitals with a chicken?" quiz.


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