Cult Movies II: We Can't Have Lips! (for now)

So it appears that the powers that be cannot let me have my cult movie midnight showings. The company as a whole at this time is moving away from such activities as flashback series, midnight cult films and the like. The main reason is that it is getting increasingly more difficult of procuring these titles on a regular basis and it is also getting increasingly more expensive if they are picked up to play. At this time, they rather let the smaller chains and independent circuits deal with that for the time being. However, there is a silver lining on this rather dark cloud...

My chain as with all the other major chains are moving to all digital projectors withing the next year or so. My site will have the digital changeover starting sometime next year. Here is the upside...all movies that have been restored and upgraded for Blu-Ray means that there is brand new digital archive of that movie in the digital hard drive vaults. These titles can be easily sent in a format on hard drive to run on my shiny new digital projectors with no added cost to to the theatre.

With that being said, even though my dreams of running my cult movie nights on Fridays have been dashed, this is only temporary. I will revisit this idea after I have my new toys installed and I will start to pressure my bookers and superiors again to get this running. I will do this...oh I will do this. I will continue with my plans but it will take much longer. I just still have one thing I want to get done now...

I still need a title for this cult movie thingy I am putting together. I also need ideas for what the ad materials should look like for the fliers and posters. Pith your ideas for the title and theme of this thing and I will get your name embedded on the promo material. I will post a poll with the best ideas and let the mob rule the vote.


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