Christmas Traditions

Here in the Duvall household, we follow some of the basic Christmas traditions that most Americans that celebrate Christmas.  Things like putting of the tree, lighting up the yard and house, stockings hung with care and blah blah blah.  For the last few years, we started putting the movie A CHRISTMAS STORY on for the 24 hour marathon the TBS does every year.  I can never get enough of that movie.  We just turn it on an leave it on while hanging out with each other.  Something else we started recently is making gingerbread cookies for the fat man.  Funny thing...that happens to be my favorite holiday cookie too.  Interesting.  This year the kids got to help make the cookies and they made 2 GIANT ones with their thumb prints in them. I cannot wait to e...I mean Santa will love to eat those cookies.

Post Script...I almost forgot.  Last year we started using the internet.  There is a website that writes letters from Santa for you to put in the mailbox.  BIG hit this year.  The other is NORAD.  NORAD connects with Google Earth, Google Maps and Twitter and they post and "track" everyplace Santa is in the world.  At the time of this update, the fat man was in Puerto Rico.  Kaitlyn for the last few days has been in a video chat with Santa as well.  Oh how I dig on technology.

What traditions or nontraditional things does your family do?


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