Amazing atheist post I read...

Today I read an amazing post by a fellow atheist.  The post on her blog was called ATHEISTS AND ANGER.  I agree with everything she put down in that post even though it was written about 3 years ago.  It is about an anger that most of atheists deal with on a daily basis.

I have a tiny example of some of that anger.  The other day I was driving to work and along the way I pass this immense church and "learning center".  I saw construction workers doing cosmetic work on the building so they can look good for god I guess.  It really pissed me off to see that money that was collected from the blind sheep being put to use to dress up a building and not for something good in the community.  Grrrrr.  By the way, the leader of this church was recently caught up in a gay sex scandal that hit the news big here.  A man that claiming that he has a direct pipeline to the big G and bashes gay women and men but takes up the ass by one of the parishioners that he claimed he was trying to help.  Double grrrrr. 

I know most of my REAL friends and atheists will read the link above.  The "faithful" friends I have will just dismiss this and mark it as another ranting of a lunatic on the fringe.  If you are truly my friend or even a good acquaintance, I strongly urge you to read that post to see what us fellow atheists have to put up with.  We are good people with morals unlike what your pastors, rabbis, priests and spiritual advisers are telling you.  Go it.  It won't send you to hell. Mainly because hell does not exist but there is nothing truly evil there at all.


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