I Am A NOT SO Closeted Atheist
As I mentioned in previous posts, I came to my realization that there is no god and religion is utter bullshit when I around ten years old. I also learned from my mother that I could not be open about my revelations to other because I will be shunned and ostracized by the blind faithful…and she was right.
Over the years as I got older and wiser, I started to see that not only that religion was a way to force morality by attrition; it was a way for the religious groups to gain dominion over society. Religion is as bad and pervasive as skunk spray. It is in the very fabric of our culture now. Even though there is to be a separation of church and state, however, just look at any form of currency of the U.S. It all says “In God We Trust”. You have celebrities thanking god whenever something good happens to them. Our pledge to the flag was changed in the fifties by adding the words “under god”. I had somebody say to me that they were going to pray for me because I had said “fucking” in a post. There are numerous vehicles with stickers and decals that have the “Jesus Fish” or praying for troops. Religion is everywhere and you cannot escape it.
With religion in every aspect of our American culture, it makes it extremely difficult like somebody like me who actually woke up and started using my brain. The second I mention to somebody that I am atheist, I have to be on the defensive. I get attacked verbally for being evil and usually shut down from any open dialogue or debate. I am automatically wrong. Basically I have to listen to what they say, but I cannot return any counter statements. Period. Done. Case closed. When I was in my late teens and early twenties, I had made, at that time what I thought was a mistake, comments about being an atheist and an antitheist. I was immediately shunned by friends and some family. Totally shut down. At that point I made a conscious decision to closet myself in regards to god and religion. It wasn’t until the last ten years that I was brave enough to face the world openly about it. Basically, I said to myself “If people cannot accept who I am and my non-belief in the supernatural and fantasy…fuck ‘em. Life is too short to deal with close minded fools that refuse to deal with truth in this world, live in fear of the unknown and live a life of hatred of those that do not follow them.”
However, lately it seems that the faithful are gathering more power in fear of losing more of their flock to the free thinkers, skeptics, atheists and antitheists in this country. The attacks have more barbed. Their shunning is more severe than what it has been in the past. What has formally been a “don’t fuck with us and we won’t fuck with you” attitude and a sense of toleration has turned more to an attack mode. Case in point: The other day I was making a series of posts on twitter from my favorite philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche. He has a very humanist and anti religion viewpoint. Best known for saying things like “God is dead” and “If you stare into the Abyss long enough the Abyss stares back at you.” After those posts I was immediately put on the defense by a few people. Some of them were just kidding around because they like to tease; however, there were a few that took it to another level. I did not say anything hateful at all but I was being treated like Adolph Hitler reborn. Again, I have to give THEM a platform to spew hate and venom, but I have to be censored even though I said nothing hateful at all. I want to be out of the religious closet and be true to myself and the human race but the fanatical want me shoved back in and without a voice. I am putting the faithful on notice right now.
Listen up fuck heads. I will not shut up. I will continue to be an atheist. I will continue to condemn the brainwashing you, the faithful, do to your children and raising them to be the next generation of hate mongers. I will continue speak truth, science, reason and humanity and champion them. I will continue to use whatever language I fucking choose. I will continue to say that organized religion is nothing but a power play to control YOU. I will continue to know what is morally right and wrong without the fear of an imaginary fantasy person lording over me to torment me if I fuck up. I will continue to do the tormenting of myself when that happens. I will continue to call out the inconsistencies or religion. I will continue having a freedom that NONE of you will ever know. I will continue NOT living in fear of an imaginary hot place that has no empirical evidence of existing. I will only fear and stay clear of REAL things in this world like hateful, fear mongering zealots like you that want reason to be hidden away.
If YOU, the faithful, continue to push me, I will push back and you will not like it. I have only given you just the very tip of my feelings on what I think you are. I am not trying to start trouble, but I am letting you know that I will not stand down either if you bring trouble to me. I am tired of being on the defense and I will go on the offense if you keep pushing me. Therefore: I am saying that I want to go back to the “don’t fuck with me and I won’t fuck with you” attitude. You let me live my happy life with unbound freedom and I will let you go back to your deluded, small minded, narrow view of the world.
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