May Have To Cut Some Ties
I am not going to name names and get into detailed specifics on this one person because I do not really want to rail against him in any way. This person was like family and I have known him and his family since childhood. We were like brothers for years until I had to move away. We completely lost contact all together with an occasional brush here over the years. Whenever I heard he was going to be in town, I was sincerely excited because he was somebody I could relate with that around my age and I had such fond memories of our childhood.
In the past few years with the explosion of social networks, I have been able reconnect many of my friends back east, new friends around the world, family and my old childhood friend and his family. This brought hope that I could at least vicariously and virtually relive our friendship through a great distance over the intertubes. We both have our own families now and quite a few similar interests in the geek world. Much hope indeed for a rekindled old friendship. Then I see some of his posts here and there.
It was little things regarding prayers and religion at first. I was slightly disappointed because I actually thought he was smarter than believing in that crap but then again I am in the minority when it comes to religion and faith. I then thought, “What the hell…we still have a lot in common and we were the best of friends.” I have other religious friends that put up with my anti religious spewing and I have no issues with friends that have faith. With years of friendship under our belts, it should be no problem getting along.
Then I see some Bush loving garbage and Obama hating stuff. OK politics. I am not an Obama fan but I did not like Bush…Bush put us in the shit we are in now. Obama and the new congress is not fixing our shit that well either. I am a Libertarian…social liberal and fiscal conservative. Regardless, I have a few friends and family on both sides of the political spectrum and can get along with them too. Fine…should be OK.
However, in the past few months, I have seen some of his posts that just boggle my mind. Extreme close minded ideology dealing with religion (via subtext), politics and social issues that were just plainly put…hateful. He appears to have been brainwashed by the religious and political right. He is not using his brain skeptically or in a way that he would question his surroundings. He is following the twisted Tea Party mentality and it is just plain sad.
To quote and internet meme…”I am disappoint.”
That closed minded school of thought is something I do not really want to be associated with in any capacity. After nearly 40+ years of growing up together and friendship, it may be time to walk away and cut all ties. It just pains me that I will have to do that but I know if I stick around and read anymore of his misinformed, bullheaded, close minded and hateful posts…I will end saying something that I will regret. I would rather just plain walk away, forget the present and remember the good childhood days. That may be best for his as well too. He probably thinks I am some sick minded godless heathen that has lost his way. Walking away may allow him to preserve the past as well.
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