Ignorant Panicky Christians, I Have No Time For You Anymore

Warning: I will be a dick.  However, for my religious friends and family, you need to hear me out.

I am wound up tight real right about now.  The whole cross thing at the Ground Zero memorial is working up atheists and Christians in a frothing frenzy and the stupid is rising quickly to the limelight.  I guess I should throw in a little of a back story for those that have no idea what I am on about.

Unless you were living under a rock everybody should know what happened 10 years ago this September.  I am not going to go into the conspiracies, the politics or the possible reasons this attack happened except that it happened.  Out of a the rubble of the twin towers, a riveted section of two girders fell to the ground that happen to look like the Christian cross.  Humans have a driving urge to make sense out of the senseless, see patterns in chaos and anthropomorphise things that are meaningless.  This is called apophenia.  So when this random hunk of girders was found, the Christians gravitated to it immediately and saw it as a ”sign from God”.  Whatever…

Here we are…10 years later and a new building is going up and there will be a memorial.  Here is where this story gets dicey.  The memorial is a public works project funded by the taxpayers.  This means the government is building it.  The Christians that have now turned that random piece of metal from the buildings into a religious symbol and now worship it.  They want it placed at the memorial.  Let me digress again…

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The highlighted part in red is referred to as the “Establishment Clause”.  I am no expert in constitutional law but I do know what that part is.  Thomas Jefferson and the founding fathers wrote that part to create that little thing called the “Separation of church and state.”  They meant this to be a secular country.  No religions are to influence the government and vice versa.  This was one of the reasons why they left the Old World.  Govern ourselves and not be controlled by the church.

Now where were we…oh yeah…the placement of a religious symbol on publicly owned land.  You see, if this were to happen, this means our government will be publically endorsing a religion which is expressly forbidden by our bill of rights. Atheist groups are now suing to keep this from happening and this is stirring up the Christian nut bags around the country.  Fox News is also fanning the flames of this controversy to boot on their Facebook page.  The extreme ignorant Christian nutters come out of the wood work in the name of their “loving god” and their “religion of peace” and start calling for the death of atheists everywhere. Now Fox News tried to save face and had the posts removed but not quickly enough.  Some clever people were able to screen grab them and have them posted here http://me.lt/9P8u6L . 

Now let’s get to meat of this post.

For people claiming to be “Good Christians”, what they are saying is not very Christ like at all.  Just pure evil if you ask me…as evil as the extreme Islamic radicals that took down the towers. Both calling for the deaths of people that do not line up with their outdated bronze age beliefs that should have no bearing on this modern world.  Now, I realized I was an atheist by the time I was 10 years old and kept pretty much to myself about it except for a select few around me out of fear of being beat up, teased and rejected.  I silently sat by for years knowing that there were people secretly wanting me dead or hurt…even by some I personally know.  Luckily I could hide in plain sight form these hateful people. 

Thanks to social networks I have found others like me and discovered that atheism is growing by leaps and bounds.  This is scaring Christians around the country and they are afraid.  Actually panicky is a better word to describe them.  This is causing the most hateful thoughts come to light.  With our growing numbers, we are gaining the courage to uncloset ourselves and speak out. I did the same in the last 10 years.  I have actively decided to push back at the risk of losing friends and family and it has given me some peace.  My eyes are more open to the short sightedness, the ignorance, the hate and evil that religion(s) have wrought on this world.  Only the death of all religions will see this end but as long as ignorance and the willingness to be a sheep lingers we will continue to see more 9/11’s and Norway bombings.

With that being said, let this serve as a warning to all my religious friends and family:
I will only get more outspoken in these matters.  If you truly value my friendship, I plead with you, PLEASE WAKE UP and see the light of reason. Embrace humans and scientific progress…not dogmatic principles made up by fearful and ignorant men to control you.  If you are truly intelligent you will see that there is no invisible sky guy controlling everything.  For those that will not and refuse to be mentally free from religious slavery, I am about to break a cardinal rule of a few of us atheist…I am going to be a dick.

If you are so small minded to actually think these written fairy tales in these “scriptures” written by men to be true…GO FUCK YOURSELF. You are truly mentally retarded.  I may be at some peace that I have embraced and opened up on who I am but I will be at true peace when I stop hearing and seeing the violent and progress stopping bullshit that you and your fucktard brethren have brought forth on the human race.  If you cannot use your brains and see that religion is holding back humanity AND YOU, then you are too stupid for me to even entertain the thought of being around you.  I want to lead a good life and I want my kids to grow up in a world of peace and progress and I do not need a fucking retarded idea of a “god” in my life or my kids lives bringing us down to a primitive mindset.

To sum up, religious types are getting squirrely over the fact their numbers are dwindling and they are starting to show how stupid they really are.  I do not have the time or patience to deal with that anymore and I asking my friends and family to either wake the fuck up or fuck off.  Free your minds or crawl into a hole to talk to your imaginary friend.  Learn to questions things instead of attacking them.  I do not wish any of you religious types harm, death or ill will like you would upon me.  I just wish that you will embrace the intelligence that evolution has brought us on this planet or go away and let evolution completely eradicate the need to believe in the unbelievable.

I am, as always willing to debate talk about things.  However, I have ALWAYS seen it break down into name calling and circular logic on the side of the religious types.  If you can control yourself and want to talk to me off line, I will.  If you want to talk shit to me, don't waste your breath.  I have better things to do that do not include killing kids and bombing buildings.


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