Science Will Be The REAL Religion

I have seen this video a few times and it ALWAYS astounds me. It makes me want to learn as much as can about the universe a the science that makes it tick.

When you actually open your mind and really begin to see how big our universe is just from what we can see here on this little rock we call home, you will actually begin to understand why god and religion starts to look quaint and silly. There is so much more out there to see and learn than be confined to a narrow minded mythical human construct that restricts your knowledge to a fraction of what "they" deem acceptable.

Now I never followed my destined career path of programming or engineering that I went to school for and instead got sidetracked into another passion In any case, I have still kept my hunger for knowledge in the sciences. I still read science documents and blogs daily and try to keep current on the newest technological advances we (the human race) make. I "geek out" almost daily whenever I see new breakthroughs and discoveries in the sciences.

However, I am almost instantly heartbroken see these advance and breakthroughs denied by politicians due to power or monetary greed some of the time and religious reasons the other times because they think their imaginary figurehead has demanded that. What makes me sadder is when I see some of my older friends that I have known for years that have yet to remove the blinders of faith and still subscribe to rules written in the bronze age and arbitrarily cherry pick those rules from their playbook. They limit themselves mentally. I pity them. Maybe they want to stay in a tiny pocket of the universe. However, if they could just only take a step back and see the real big picture, they could possible enjoy the awe and wonderment I experience when I see how big the universe is and the exponential growth in humankind's acquired knowledge. They may think or say they experience some of these things with that imaginary friend of theirs, but that is just their spiked Kool-Aid talking.

Like many of the thousands of religions that have come and gone, Christianity, Judaism and Islam will all fade into mythology just like the others. Hopefully, these three will be the last fictionally and spiritually based religions and will be replaced by science. By the way, science has been the one thing that has truly stood the test of time as every cult and religion fell into oblivion. Science has taken a few punches to the chin by religion over the centuries. There is a reason why the Dark Ages were called "The Dark Ages". With that being said, science is coming on strong in a big way and people are losing faith with their god(s) around the world. Europe in particular is seeing this spread quickly like a firestorm. Countries like Scandinavia, Norway and the like are seeing the majority of the population being atheist now. I have a friend in the UK that told me that most of England is seeing Christianity disappear there. America is seeing this happen and people like me are coming out of the closet and being outspoken. The religious right is entrenching unfortunately and getting ready for what they see as a war and willing to step all on our governing document, The Constitution. Sigh.

However, it is inevitable that science and reason will prevail because knowledge and the way it is communicated is now to the point that it cannot be held back. The people WILL wake up and replace all of their imaginary friends with science and reason with a good dash of skepticism. I just hope that it happens in my lifetime.


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