The Political Shit Show Named Trump

I have been avoiding politics because it is a total shit show out there.  Venom being spewed, insults being slung and hatred being projected to one another and that just the politicians.  In my years that I have been able to vote, this has been the worst of the elections I have seen played out.  Things appear fishy all around and I wish I had the answers.  I just know that things are not right.

And now for the reason for this post and it will REALLY piss of those that exclusively vote party and not issue.  Firstly, if you vote only party…you are a retard, socially and intellectually.  Through the years, parties have come and gone and have evolved and/or changed with the times.  The two big parties, Republicans and Democrats, have even switched up on their platforms.  With this constant change in thinking of these parties (and other issues like no term limits), voting for the same party over and over is NOT what is best for the people and this country.  Your thinking is stifled and you are stifling our growth.

With that, this brings me to why you should not strictly vote party this election.  Trump.  Everybody that is eligible to vote needs to vote.  Be a part of this election and do your civic duty.  However, because some of you stick your guns and only vote party despite who that party’s candidate is, you are doing a disservice to this country and you Republicans that are doing this this election are truly mentally ill if you are voting Trump.  That man has absolutely no business running this country, let alone any country.  He does not have the skills, the temperament, the class, or any other redeemable feature to do this job and it is not what is best for this country. “But Hillary is a crook.”  Maybe…maybe not.  I know the Republicans think so.  I am no fan of hers either and I never have been.  This election has proven be the worst case scenario of a turd sandwich and giant douche.

What it comes down to is this.  Be smart, not some sort of mouth breather that tows the party line.  Break those bonds and vote for somebody that is not trying to turn us into some sort of worldwide reality shit show to line his own pockets.  Trump is not concerned about anybody but himself and his gold plated lifestyle and possibly a few of his rich compatriots.  If you really think Trump is the way, I am calling you out right now.  You are truly beyond stupid and there is no argument that you can use that convince me or anybody with any intelligence to vote for him.  While I agree that most of the other candidates stink and leave a bad taste in my mouth, Trump will sink this country in ways we cannot even fathom.  So please, be smart…vote for somebody OTHER than Trump.  Anybody. A vote for ANYBODY else is billion times smarter than him.    So got out there and vote for whoever your state has put on the ballot OTHER than the vulgar racist, sexist and grossly unqualified one named Donald Trump.  For those that wondering who I am voting for…I am not sure yet because I am still researching who I think will best for ALL OF US.  I do know who it WON’T BE.


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