I am an Athiest tired of being called evil

Those that know me…I mean REALLY know me, know that I am an atheist. Here is what many may not know is that I came to "my enlightenment" at a relatively young age. First, let's start with some back history.

My grandparents on my father's side are/were Methodists, my mother was an agnostic and my father is a closeted Christian of some sort. I was baptized Methodist when I was only a couple of weeks old at my grandparent's church. Whenever I stayed with my grandparents, I attended to Sunday school and church with them and my mother made me go to Sunday school up until I was 10 years old. The Sunday schools I went to ranged from Methodist, Baptist and other divisions of Christianity. My mother was pretty adamant that I went to church and Sunday school. She said it was important that I know religion. She was right. I am glad I went when looking back even though I hated and despised every moment I sat in the pews or learned about Joseph and Abraham through the use of felt figures. At first I could not understand why it irritated me but something screamed in my head "THIS IS BULLSHIT".

From a very early age I had a pretty good BS detector. My mother did something what ALL parents must do with their children but rely on the school system to. She gave me the straight scoop on the birds and the bees. I knew more than I probably should have by the time I was about 6 or 7. I mean every nitty gritty moist sticky slick detail. I knew the whole mechanics of the act. The BS detector had its first real work out when I had a friend tell me that he was going to have a new brother or sister. When I was over at his house he said that his mom will get the baby from a stork delivering it from a cabbage patch. I called shenanigans on that. I quickly picked up a piece of chalk and drew out everything on his chalk board. My mother was waiting for me when I got home after she received a call from my friend's mom and had a not so pleased look on her face. She started to read me the riot act for drawing dirty pictures on his chalk board. After explaining myself, she backed off and taught another BS thing running rampant in this country…political correctness. But I digress…

By the time I was 10, I knew that there was NO Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy and etc. I also started to realize that everything in the bible we were being taught was not adding up. The biggest thing is that NOTHING had dates like the history books did in regular school. I started seeing that the museums did not have any evidence to display on the figures depicted in the bible. Basically I was seeing that schools had empirical evidence of everything they were teaching and the church was saying "because I said so". The church's song and dance was very much the same as my parents were doing with Santa and the crew when I was younger. I finally went to my mother and called her out. She responded to me like she had been waiting for me to do this for some time. She said that I never had to go to church or Sunday school ever again if I did not want to. However, she hit me with a huge disclaimer. My mother went to explain to me that over 95% of the world has faith and that I have to be respectful of that and that I should really take the time to learn what I can about other religions in the world because I would be considered an outcast. She was so right.

Now, I cannot say that I am a scholar in theology but I have made a conscious effort through my formative years to understand and learn about the major religions so I would know what people were talking about and debate (NOT ARGUE) about it. I can go on major diatribes and rants about how crooked and shady the organized religions are and have been through the centuries, but that is another blog. Moving on…I am not so insensitive to see that there is a need for faith and religion in this world. EVERYBODY needs something to glom onto. My "faith" is science, fact and things that can be proven without a shadow of a doubt. "Just because" does not work with me. Some of the faithful will ask me about things that we cannot currently explain. My answer has always been "In human history, there was a point we thought the earth was the center of the universe and we could not explain how fire works because we lacked the knowledge. Through study and experimentation we eventually figured those things out. Give us time, most of our brain matter is not being used yet."

Faith does have a good thing going for it and I actually embrace it. Religion teaches good moral fiber. The Ten Commandment is actually a pretty good thing. Though Shall Not Kill. Great idea…if you have free reign to kill somebody, somebody else will have the same to do to me if they want. Thou Shall Not Steal…another good one. There is quite a bit in the bible (mainly New Testament) teaching about loving one another, being a good person and etc. That is truly a good thing. Humanity needs it in the worst way. I try to lead a good life and do unto others…blah blah. You get the point. Unfortunately, there are very small segments of Christianity and Islam that are incredibly loud and outspoken…and evil. I mean REALLY fucking evil.

For the case of this blog, I am going to stick with Christianity because that is what I know more about. However, from what I understand and know is that Islam, Judaism and Christianity all have numerous parallels that it almost looks like (and believed in some circles) they were lifted from the same source. The U.S. is believed to be comprised of roughly around 85% of Christians. The churches teach that you must love your fellow man. Do not kill. Be tolerant of different people. Love and compassion and whatnot. Well except if you are gay…gays are an abomination and must be put to death. And yeah…if you follow another religion, you are to be condemned to death or convert. If you have no faith, you must be evil…and must die. Where's the tolerance, love and NOT killing? I know I can say with confidence is that atheists like me have never started any wars over who has the better way of life…those with faith or those without.

In the past 10 or more years, I have been seeing this country get so extreme in its views. The left AND the right are scaring me horribly. At least the left is tolerant of my "lack of faith". The right on the other hand has been saber rattling and actually convinced the people of this country elect a man twice to office that allowed a small but outspoken division of the right to spew hate against other religions, "faithless", minorities and homosexuals without retribution. Seriously. I just watched video a few nights ago with Kirk Cameron (yes that Kirk Cameron from shitty 80's TV show, GROWING PAINS). Kirk has gone God crazy. I won't shit on anybody's faith…except when I get directly attacked. Well, this big walking phallus is promoting a book give-away where he and his fellow zealots re-wrote portions of Darwin's ORGIN OF SPECIES. This intolerant prick had the audacity to write and say the Adolph Hitler is involved with the theory of evolution and that those without faith have sinful hearts and are brainwashing today's youth in the schools. Kirk buddy…I will show you the same intolerance you just gave me. Go fuck yourself…you suck and your acting sucks and no higher power can fix that. Who the fuck are you and your cronies to tell me that I am sinful? I'm a brainwasher? Last time I checked, I was teaching my children to be the absolute best people they can be. Good upstanding citizens with good moral fiber. That tripe you are spewing is the brainwashing. You say the "Intelligent Design" is the correct way because you say so. Do you have the evidence of this? If I remember correctly, Darwin actually studied and experimented and provided evidence. His theories have been proven over and over through the scientific community. Right now, due to natural selection, one species of butterflies is becoming two. Kirk, you and the religious nut jobs that run the Kansas school system say god just poofed us (mankind) here out of nothing 6000 years ago but the Big Bang Theory has NO basis because it poofed EVERYTHING out of nothing…again because you say so. However the scientific community through actual science and experimentation has evidence supporting its theories and facts but again…you just say "I know God exists because I can feel it." I think that feeling is that you need to take a dump because you are full of shit.

This ultra right wing faction of the Christian community is picking and choosing parts of the bible to justify their intolerance and ignorance. People like Kirk Cameron are teaching the OPPOSITE of what Christ taught when dealing with gays, atheists and non-Christians. They are using fear mongering, misinformation and blatant lies to paint these groups as evil. The more boisterous these fanatics get, the more feel like those that have faith (in general) have the intelligence of a retarded cabbage. I really do feel like if religious people had 2 more I.Q. points, they may be able to bark. I know that I have friends and acquaintances that are VERY religious and take the faith seriously. I know they are intelligent and I mean them no harm with my above I.Q. comments. However, when you have these loud mouthed outspoken fuck tards like Kirk Cameron and company rambling on about how the banana's phallic shape is absolute proof that God exists and that atheists like me are evil and brainwashing the children, it makes it very difficult for me to trust that religious people have any brains at all. It makes me want to strike back and say some hateful things to all the faithful in general.

I will probably lose friends over for what I am about to say, but I feel I have been pushed and I need to get this out there. This will be the only time I will actually shove MY views down the throats of others without being asked. Here goes nothing…

To the faithful in the world, you are being duped. Religion was created by con men to control you and take your wealth. It is an opiate to keep you in line. They are afraid of science because it will expose them for what they are….phonies. The leaders of the churches are treating you like mushrooms. They keep you in the dark and feed you shit. The more uneducated and ignorant you are kept, the more they can control you like puppets. It is easier for them to control you when you do not think for yourself due to your blind devotion to imaginary non tangible entities. I actually pity those that I feel waste their time with church and religion. Why go to a place to have somebody tell you how to live your life? I can be a good person without somebody telling me every week how to do it. And again, I am not saying this to put anybody down. Some of the most intelligent people ever were highly religious. Einstein comes to mind.

With that all out in the open now, some may ask how I can be comfortable knowing that there is nothing after I die. I faced the fact when I was young and came to terms with it. Exactly how I was able to come to terms with the fact that the universe in infinite. This is the way of life. You will die and there is nothing afterwards. Heaven and Hell are just fairy tales to keep the sheep from needing to come to terms with this fact. I am happy with that knowledge. If anybody wants to debate or question me about my stance on all of this, I am more than happy to DISCUSS this. The first nut job zealot that comes after me with hateful talk and comes across completely intolerant, I will shut you down. Life is too short for meaningless arguing and I would rather take that time to make the world a better place for my kids.


  1. Eceptional blog. I saw the Kirk Cameron video as well, and I am completely outraged.

    First, he's a tool who doesn't seem to realize Darwin died about 5 years before Hitler was born. I'm becoming very tired of Hitler being used to insinuate evil at every opportune moment. And, incorrectly.

    Second, The Gideons can't pass out bibles? How about we pass out Torahs and the Koran?

    Third, the part about religion in school sis RUBBISH for lack of a better term. My kid just got a paper from school to join the 'Good News Club.' In tiny, tiny print it says 'bring your bibles and sing hymns after school.'

    Finally, the Christian ignorance is overwhelming in regards to Atheists, and most other religions. They seem to not understand that Atheists, Jews, and Pagans do not believe in satan or hell. They do not believe in inherant evil. So, calling them Satan-worshipers is ridiculous. How can you worship something you don't believe exists?

    I know you'll probably get a LOT of flack for this, but t's very well written and exudes a clear point of view, minus hate.

    A week ago, a kosher restaurant near me was seriously vandalized. They painted swastikas and foul language all over the front of the building. My first thought? Neither a Pagan nor an Atheist would EVER do that.


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