The Frustrated Atheist
I know that it seems that I have been getting angrier and angrier with these posts but I am tired of seeing many of my friends, colleagues and family wasting their short precious time on this planet with religious garbage. I know it is garbage because there is ZERO evidence to your claims of your imaginary friend. I know it is garbage because I have blasphemed your god's name almost daily since I was ten years old and I have not been taken out by your imaginary friend. I know it is garbage because the historical record shows not one instance of Jesus, the twelve guys he hung out with and his whore except when a historical document references the bible itself. Only ONE book says that it does exist but there are literally millions of historical documents that don't. You know...that fucking frustrates me to no end.
I have many frustrations too. The people all around me walk around with the blinders on to all the overwhelming evidence to the contrary but they take them off for some guy in a big hat and fancy robes because he says the stuff in bible are true. I am frustrated because we, the formally greatest country in the world, are being past by in education, science research and technology in other nations that have dropped all ties to their former gods and religions. They are no longer being held back by ancient beliefs. I am frustrated that this country could have found cures for many types of diseases, injuries and disorders but the religious extremists in this country have forced that kind of research out of our labs and into other country's labs. I am frustrated that people like me are being persecuted, maligned and being labeled as evil by the religious when in reality, nearly all of the truly insidious evils in the world have been perpetrated by the religious. I am frustrated that 10% of people are BORN with different sexual orientation and they get treated like social lepers and denied the same freedoms that the other 90% can enjoy. I am frustrated that I see all the potential intelligence being wasted on sticking to Bronze Age, dogmatic thinking when we could be applying it to the betterment of mankind.
Granted, as a philosophy tool on living a good life in the Bronze Age, the bible and religion has helped mankind in its infancy. And just because I am an atheist, don't think I don't know about the bible. I do. It was one of the many reason why I became an atheist...I fucking read it.
"When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. Corinthians 13:11"
Mankind is no longer in its infancy. Religion was the warm blanket that kept us warm and feeling safe. We don't need it any longer. We are growing up and can fend for ourselves but there are many that are still clinging on it like a baby clings on that beat up blankie. That REALLY frustrates the shit out of me.
I have said some really horrible things about believers in the past. Some of it I meant but most of it I did not. I said it out of frustration. What I truly feel about the faithful in this world is pity and it frustrates me that most of them ABSOLUTELY cannot see a much bigger universe around them because they refuse to come out of their blanket. They say I live in a world of despair, unhappiness and anger. They could not be any further from the truth (much like the bible). I am actually a very happy person. I marvel at the wonders in this universe...natural and manmade. I have much love in my life unlike what the faithful have to say about me. I am a good person and try to do the right thing because it IS the right thing to do. Not because I fear some made up eternal damnation.
Despite all that, I am unfortunately frustrated. Ugh, I am so fucking frustrated with all of this. I think am going to do something entertaining now to put a smile on my face.
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